
When "Atheism" really is just another religion

Now I'm certain that this post will be enough to stir lots of people into a thick, rich lather. Good.

I am atheist. No, not "atheist" like the anti-religious crackpots out there who hate on religious folk as much as religious folk hate on them---but in the literal sense of the word: "without theism". I'm not "anti-theist", which is really what the non-religious haters are, I'm just without religion. And I'm very happy and secure in my spiritual beliefs.

Now, I have to say that it does irritate me that the anti-theists have really screwed it up for us atheists. I mean, when you actually mention to someone that you're atheist, you get looks that are normally reserved for the Jehovah's Witnesses that roll up on your doorstep or the terrorists who kill in the name of (wonderful, peace-loving, tolerant) Islam. Anymore, today's atheism is just the other side of religion's mystical coin.

I found a refreshing treatise that not only points out some of the more ridiculous aspects of today's atheism (anti-theism), but also shows that many of those are so analogous to the views they claim to oppose. If you like, take the jump:

10 Things Christians & Atheists Can Agree On

PS. Yes, I was quite surprised to find such a coherent read on Cracked.com. But it is what it is.

PPS. For all you anti-theist religion-haters out there: if you can provide a properly cited quotation from the founding documents (the US Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence) of this country where "separation of church and state" is guaranteed, please enlighten me. BTW, The First Amendment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, ... ". Putting religious quotations on public buildings does not constitute making a law, last time I checked.

PPPS. My post-postscript reminds me of those who believe that this country is a "democracy", although there's no mention of this word or derivatives thereof throughout the founding documents (but this is another post for another day).