
Quotes for today...

Folks... I found a great political cartoon site today called Red Planet Cartoons. Do yourself a favor and visit.

While I was there, I picked up a couple quotes of value. First by Thomas Sowell:

Nothing is easier, or more emotionally satisfying, than blaming high prices on those who charge them, rather than on those who cause them.

This was said, of course, in reference to everyone's blaming of high gas prices on the greed of the oil companies rather than government interference and taxes. Nevermind that the oil companies make about 9 cents per gallon and government takes around 42.

And this one from our greatest President, Ronald Reagan:

Republicans believe every day is July 4th. Democrats believe every day is April 15th.

The reference here should be obvious.

Morning logic...

Ever notice how many people there are out there that are just never wrong? Seems like it's prevalence is on the rise. This attitude goes hand-in-hand with such wonders as frivolous lawsuits, class warfare, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

Funny how no one ever stops to consider this:
  1. People who refuse to learn are idiots.
  2. People learn primarily from their mistakes.
  3. People are imperfect, thus they make mistakes.
  4. Thus, it's human nature to learn as you go.
However, for the people that can never do wrong:
  1. They must know it all already.
  2. Thus, they can't learn anything new.
  3. Thus, they are cretins and become more cretinous as time goes on.
Prison's full of innocent people, right? What about the presidential campaign?

One other thought: If people can do no wrong (and thus they know it all), why does it piss people off so much when you point our that they know it all?

WTF kind of BS is that?

The best way to handle mistakes is to:
  1. Be on the the lookout for them.
  2. When they occur, admit them, learn from them, and move on.
  3. Use what you learned to prevent the same mistake from happening again.
If you don't do this, the mistake will just repeat itself. Is that what you want?


Pants suit on fire...

So this time Hillary was finally called out on one of her lies, this one in reference to the tall tale of a spiral landing and canceled greeting ceremony in Bosnia. Videos of the event clearly show she was lying. Then she followed it up by trying to dismiss it publicly.

Folks... this should show you just how dangerous Hillary really is: this was a huge, outright LIE. And she would just rather cover it up and act like it was nothing. Just how many other lies has she covered up and how many does she plan to do that with in the future?

Don't get me wrong here. All politicians lie. But this one was pretty huge.

I guess even the lamestream media have gotten tired of just glossing over all of her "misspeakings" and "misstatings". Apparently, she misunderestimated her own protection as given by the news outlets.


I love this song... go figure

How appropriate is it that I post it today?

Government needs to battle childhood obesity?

While I'm ranting... why is it exactly that the State has to address childhood obesity?

Oh, that's right... because parents refuse to take care of it themselves, the gubment has to come swooping in with another ill-formed solution designed only to buy votes.

Thank you Governor Henry. Just what we needed: another reason to push responsibility (and therefore freedom) out the door. Maybe we should just push our kids out the door to get some exercise rather than spin up another big spending program.

Brought to you by a homophobic Bible-belt Republican politician...

Here's a flash of brilliance brought forth by Sally Kern, one of Oklahoma's state representatives:

This is a perfect example of another overzealous moron trying to foist her ideals on others via poorly constructed arguments that aren't logical and do not follow. This is a perfect example of why I refuse to have anything to do with religion. This is not a proud day for my state.

In related news, leave it to the Bible-belters to pull another fast one on their constituents. And to think, we made fun of Kansas when they were in the news trying to put mysticism and ghosts in front of education. I reckon it's better to Rep. Kern and the other flat-earthers in Oklahoma's legislature for our children to grow up into procreative troglodytes who know nothing of the real world that surrounds them. Gays a threat? Hardly. Religious zealots a threat? You bet. Take a look at al Qaeda.

Representative Kern: Thank you (and those like you) for embarrassing our state on a national and/or global scale. Tell you what: if you want to live in a world made up only of people just like you, go away and build your utopia. Just leave the realists out of it. Thank you.

Afterthought: If Rep. Kern wants an accurate speech, all she needs to do is replace every reference to homosexuality with references to overdone religion.

Afterthought again: And this is why I still hold that sending a child to a gubment school is akin to child abuse.

Final afterthought: Republicans need to stay the fuck away from handling social issues, much like Democrats need to stay the fuck away from handling economic issues.



Still wondering...

I don't think I'll ever get an answer to this question, but I'll ask it again anyway:

If Democrats are so concerned about all the money being distributed equally, why don't they just band together in their own little group, throw all their money in a pot, and divide the pot up into equal portions for every one in their little group, so they could build their little socialist utopia?

My answer is this: In order for a Democrat society to subsist, you need to feed it the fruits of labor of lots of high achievers. After all, all that cradle-to-grave service costs money. High achievers usually aren't Democrats, and Democrats aren't generally motivated to earn that money on their own. Therefore, it's important to force their system on others to form a financial basis for their utopia. Sounds good, don't it?

Democrats at their best...

So I guess the Hillary and Obama campaigns can't figure out how to get a leg up on the other, since they've resorted to that Democrat stalwart of name-calling. Hillary's campaign likened Obama to their favorite Independent Counsel Ken Starr, and one of Obama's key advisors called Hillary a "monster".

This name calling happens regularly when a Democrat can't win an argument. How many times have you heard a Democrat call an opponent "Hitler"? Apparently, it's better to misdirect by criminalizing their opponent rather than exercising some ability to debate.

An older (but still applicable) definition of "Democrat" is "one who panders to the ignorant masses". What better way to do this than to sink to the lowest common denominator like this?


And the dust settles...

So it's apparent that the voters in Texas and Ohio are no smarter than the voters in Oklahoma, what with giving victory in the Democrat primary to an avowed socialist and all.


Hillary Hypocrisy... again!?

This was pointed out to me this morning by a good friend: remember when Hillary accused Obama of plagiarizing someone's speech? Just how is this any different than Hillary's copying of the 3AM commercial from the 1984 Mondale campaign?

I can't wait to hear this one... but I know I never will. Hillary's a member of the "protected" class.

FWIW, Mondale went on to get beaten like a narc at a biker rally against Reagan. Too bad today's voters aren't as smart.

I have to ask... just what is it that Hillary experienced at besides stealing from the achievers and giving to the lazy? And would I want her manning that phone at 3AM, or wouldn't I want someone that has actually dealt with crisis greater than a philandering husband?



So Fox News rolled out a digital countdown clock to mark the closing of polls. Ok, fine. But why do they have to show precision to the tenths of seconds in the closing minute? What is it that's going on that it's so crucial that we have this precision?

Just a little silly to me, and since I have an innate need to rant...


Someone posted a comment on my Sneaker Pimps entry, and I think I accidentally deleted it in a fit of noobishness. Sorry 'bout that... if you post it again, I'll make sure not to f it up this time.

Oh, and thanks for reading. :-D


Putzing around the house today doing chores, and had to pause again at Cavuto. They had the chair of the Dallas County, Texas Democrats on, who was proclaiming that it was sexist for people to vote for a "new" candidate rather than for Hillary. She went on to say that this is largely driven by unflattering pictures of Hillary that have made their rounds in the media.

When advised that there has been much to do about McCain's age (and wrinkles), the chair stated, "well, agism is different than sexism."

That's it. The rest of her platform sort of disintegrated right there.

And let's not forget, now we have the "Obama darkening-scandal" before us, much like we had it during OJ-Mania.

Have we covered all the bases of class warfare in the Democrat campaign yet? We've had race, gender, religion, name-calling, income dragged in... all of this from the "tolerant" party.



Never bite the hand that feeds you...

Check out this video for the Sneaker Pimps' Post-Modern Sleaze from their 1996 debut album Becoming X:

This is GREAT song and a GREAT video. And as with all good things, it didn't last. After the success of Becoming X, Chris Corner asked vocalist Kelli Ali (then Kelli Dayton) to leave, reportedly because he didn't want the band to sound like Portishead. After Ali's departure, the band more or less tanked. They're apparently still together, but only tenuously so.

The rub is that their stuff with Ali was miles ahead of anything Portishead ever did. And now, the stuff that Ali does is better than what the Sneaker Pimps do now.