
Once again disgusted...

So one of those Bush-haters out there apparently decided to take their hatred out on a wheelchair-bound girl yesterday as he heckled First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter Jenna Bush.

Just how utterly symbolic is this? An out-of-control Democrat preying on the weak and defenseless to further their cause? Just about spot-on.

I guess this idiot got his ass beat by the father of the girl and then was arrested. Good.



A fitting word to describe what the so-called educated at the University of Maine allowed to happen in their Student Center.

No matter what anyone says about "freedom of expression", there is no such thing as enumerated in the Constitution. Regardless, this isn't even a "freedom of speech" issue. This is a property rights issue. The flags belong to the University and so does the venue, and it doesn't infringe on anyone's rights for them to make a display such as this.

That. Being. Said.

It absolutely breaks my heart when the very people for whom freedom was provided by the fighting men and women of this country can take the most important symbol of that freedom and debase in such a manner.

In other words, you are well within your right, but I am utterly repulsed by the way you choose to avail yourself of that right. Both with the flags-on-the-floor bit and with the way you treated one of our servicemen. Here's me exercising my right: Fuck you, University of Maine. Fuck you.

One lesson to take from this: "education" does not imply "intelligence". In this case, they are little more than snobby ingrates.

Remember, these so-called "educated elite" are the same idiots that scream the loudest about the presence of the Confederate Flag in our nation's history, saying how it symbolizes slavery.


Socialist pipe dream: so-called "universal" health care...

All you fans of universal health care, have a look:

Sounds great, doesn't it? Do you think that the patient received "compassionate" health care from its brokers in Canada (aka, the government)? Just how compassionate do you think it is to make someone with a life-threatening brain tumor wait months for basic diagnostic examinations when time is critical to save his life?

Anyone with a piece of brain in their skulls should realize that so-called "universal" health care is neither universal nor compassionate. More than anything else, it is rationed. Much like food has been in times of famine. That means that everyone gets some, but generally not enough. That means everyone suffers, just like when Sir Winston Churchill said,

The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.

You want affordable health care? Improve yourself and spend less frivolously and/or vote for politicians that refuse to allow government to meddle in health care.

The United States has perhaps the greatest health-care system in the world, because it is driven mostly by individual responsibility (= freedom). This means that those who refuse to take responsibility for themselves will not receive proper health care. A single-payer system removes that individual responsibility component. Is that the kind of environment we want to foster? One where government-provided security supplants freedom?

Some people like to crow that, "every other industrialized nation has universal health care." Even if this is truly so, just because an idea wins a popularity contest doesn't mean that it's the best idea out there. This is exactly why our nation is a republic and not a democracy. Besides, there have got to be reasons why our health care system is the best as is.

BTW, who do you expect might be proponents of rationed health care systems? How about Democrat presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton?


American Idol & Hell's Kitchen...

I watch both of these when I have time, and thought I'd jot down a couple observations...

First, if David Cook doesn't win American Idol, I'll be sorely disappointed. He's definitely the most talented of the group. Even if his performance last week wasn't great. Now, like Simon said, if we can keep this from being a popularity contest...

Second... I'm counting the seconds until both Jen and Jason are eliminated from Hell's Kitchen. Jen talks to much and makes no sense. Jason is a woman-hating idiot and worthless in the kitchen. I reckon they'll both be shown the door soon enough... no way Ramsay's going to give a quarter-megabuck job to these schmucks.

Corey, while being strategic, likely screwed herself over when she picked Christina and Jen for elimination, when Sharon was clearly the worst. In doing so, Corey indicated to Ramsay that she's more concerned for herself than the good of her team. I'm quite certain that Gordon's intelligent enough to pick up on that.

BTW, WTF do we call this reality TV? These and their ilk are little more than groupwise game shows. Like auto racing and marathons, everyone plays at the same time. Because of the setups, there's really nothing about them that makes them reality. Especially since in reality, most people would shrink at the idea of competing to be the best.

Jeff Gordon a class act...

I'm no fan of Gordon's on the track (I'm a Junior fan), but how can you not respect someone who's done this?

'Nuff said.


The lefties are really reaching now...

Check this out: Petraeus' 'ribbon creep'

Yeah... what a surprise. More asshattery by the anti-achievement, anti-individual, anti-military left.

Here's another: Memo to Petraeus & Crocker: More Laughs, Please

What a pompous, self-righteous wingnut! Mr. Cavett can't find true fault with material content, so instead to project some image of badness, he discredits heroes such as soldiers, firemen, and policemen with paragraphs and paragraphs of achievement hating or by picking at the manner by which they speak all while trying to speak over the heads of his audience. This is what he chooses to do with the security and freedom that these heroes provide and defend.

Typical lefty misdirection.


Just what is the major malfunction with Okie drivers?

Tonight while making my way through Lindsay after the chase, a 'Billy Truck (tm) pulled out right in front of me and poked along. I passed the truck at the next light, and suddenly, I had the immutably bright lights of a full-blown Okie driver in my rear windshield.

Nevermind that the driver pulled right out in front of me only moments before, it was time for him to get hillbilly-strong, throwing caution to the wind that I might be the type to knock someone's teeth down their throat for that kind of stupid shit. Of course, as is usually the case with the hillbilly-strong, he showed his true yellow color when he turned off shortly after floodlighting me.

That's what I thought.

*shaking head*


As it turns out, I do have something else to talk about...

Imagine a fantasy world in which Hillary narrowly avoided throwing away her legal career for... wait for it... lying:

Read this article before it disappears.

And still so many people want to put her in office.

Apprently, Obama has a 10% lead on her in the opinion polls. Worse yet, most people would want Obama to pick someone other than Hillary for VP if he gets the Democrat nod.

I also read recently that some well-heeled Democrats are offering a consolation prize for Hillary if she doesn't get to be president: Governor of New York. This in itself might make me vote for Obama to prevent her from running again in 2012. Then again, maybe not.

Lots to speak of today...

Today's tidbits come from my reading of the articles at Fox News:
  1. Apparently the major oil companies are taking heat from Democrat congressmen because they had $100B in profits last year. What they're not telling you is that Government made $440B in (plundered) profits from Big Oil last year. ExxonMobil alone is reported to have paid more in taxes than the lower half of all individual income earners last year. Who's the bad guy here? Remember that Thomas Sowell quote I included yesterday?

  2. A Madison, WI high school student is suing the Tomah School District because he refused to remove religious references from a project he turned in and earned a zero. I hope he wins big on this one. If the government schools want to separate church and state, then they have to keep antitheism out too.

  3. A related story alludes to a less than 50% graduation rate in a large number of the largest US cities. The problem here is two-fold: lack of teaching of personal responsibility AND failure of our school systems to be much more than indoctrination centers.

  4. Yeah, gas prices are up and the economy's cooling down right now, but are we really in a recession or depression as the lamestream media want everyone to believe? Economic conditions were actually worse in 2000 near the end of the Clinton Administration, but you never heard a blurb about the economy being so bad. Couldn't possibly be that we had a Democrat president at the time and have a GOP president now, could it? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the US sheeple believe everything they hear in the press and the media are leveraging that in an election year, could it? The single-largest factor in the cause of any possible recession or depression right now is the media reporting.
Wow... I really thought I had more than that. Sorry.