Surprising fact: Half of gun deaths are suicides
In this story they crowed that some 55% of firearm-related deaths in 2005 were suicides. Of course every news outlet with a related anti-gun agenda picked this up in the light of the recent SCOTUS ruling that the 2nd amendment, just like all the other amendments in the Bill of Rights, were enumerated for individuals.
So what if suiciders used guns? This was back when they were illegal in DC anyhow. It's illegal to kill yourself for any reason by any method anyway. I hardly think that if someone really wants to do the big deed that some bed-wetter is going to stop them by taking away guns. They'll just find something else.
Here's a headline that should cause more consternation:
Surprising fact: Three quarters of poisoning deaths are unintentional.
Jeez... wouldn't make more sense to be more worried about people who didn't mean to hurt themselves but did anyway rather than those that want to kill themselves and happen to choose a rather effective method?
Guess it's more important to continue whining about having lost a battle.
BTW... I got the poisoning stats from the same place that the AP got the firearm-suicide stats.