
We're done.

President Bush signed the housing bill. This constitutes my vote of "no confidence" in the current administration.


Downright fucking disgusting...

Someone want to tell me why I can sit there and deny myself a hedonist lifestyle so I can keep myself financially stable... making proper decisions about how much to spend on necessities like houses and food and also desires. AND NOW I HAVE TO PAY TO HAVE THOSE THAT DECIDED NOT TO MAKE SIMILAR, RESPONSIBLE DECISIONS BAILED THE FUCK OUT?!?!? WHERE IN THE CONSTITUTION IS IT ENUMERATED THAT BAILING OUT HEDONISTS IS THE GOVERNMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY?!?

Yeah. I'm pissed. Once again, the intelligent and reasonable are forced to prop up the inconsiderate buffoons. All in the name of buying votes so the government elite can make a career out of doing so. All in the name of a media-overblown "crisis" that affects a whopping 5% of homeowners.

Thanks be to Congress (truly the opposite of "progress"). I guess it's time for me to stop being responsible for my actions.


Seeing a 76-10 vote on this tells me that in addition to the broad Democrat support (no surprise, here), there was broad Republican support (less of a surprise than it used to be). The 10 no-voters were:

Barrasso (WY), Coburn (OK), Corker (TN), Cornyn (TX), DeMint (SC), Ensign (NV), Enzi (WY), Grassley (IA), Hatch (UT), Hutchison (TX), Kyl (AZ), Thune (SD), Vitter (LA)

The non-voters don't impress me... they could have voted "no", but they were too coward.

Thank goodness these ten had the balls to do the right thing. I expect no less from Senator Coburn, who impresses me more and more with every passing day.

I've long supported President Bush amidst all the irrational "Bush Disillusionment Syndrome" perpetrated by the media (except with how he's handled the illegal immigrant invasion problem). However, if he signs this, I'll pull all my support. At that point, I might as well vote for the Democrat Party candidate for President. After all, they'll be the same thing.


Sad news...

My fondest childhood memories include the nights Mom & Dad used to take us kids to Sandusky Speedway to watch the supermodifieds race. We spent many summer Saturday nights watching the Shullicks, the Sauniers, and the Gibsons take home trophy after trophy. I'm still a big fan, but they don't have supermodified racing out here in Oklahoma. So I follow it via the web.

Over the years the names and faces have changed, many times coming down through the next generation of family drivers. One of my favorites from back in the 80's was Todd Gibson. A racing legend, Gibson raced supermodifieds since the 60's and started races in IndyCar along the way. He and his son Gene Lee used to tear up the Perkins Township 1/2-mile asphalt oval regularly, their Baja Boats-sponsored roadsters in purple (#0) and yellow (#75) unmistakable as they zipped around the track.

Racing is many times a family affair. Todd's three other sons, Jeff, Terry, and Larry, are all involved in racing, and so is Larry's son Zach, who's a rising star in winged sprints. In fact, since I've been on a supermodified-photo-collecting kick lately, I stumbled on Zach's website the other night. This is where I learned about the rest of the Gibson family.

As I was reading Supermodified Scorecard to catch the weekend's race results, I learned that Terry had been killed in an accident in a MSA heat race at Toledo Speedway Friday night.

My thoughts are with the Gibson family as well as Terry Gibson's team and competitors during this difficult time.


Points for the day...

First... the Science & Public Policy Institute is reporting that it has been mathematically proven that global warming is not happening.

It won't matter, though... after all, the religion of global warming thrives on faith just as much as any other religion. It doesn't matter how much science you throw at it, people will still blindly believe.

Next, apparently Chicago's ban on handgun ownership is working very well: they're calling in the National Guard to help with the violent crime problem there.

Finally, Reason.com is reporting that even though socialists everywhere would have us believe that "the middle class is shrinking", not only is it simply not true, people don't care.

Nicely done...

You know this is an act because in the real world, some whiny bitch would ruin this for everyone:

I was going to embed this from the original site, but the embed code had a ridiculous amount of garbage embedded in it.


Speaking of idiots...

Here we have video of John Wiley Price's apparently racist rant, plus an interview where he decries terms such as "angel food cake" and "devil's food cake" as racist:

The Dallas Fox affiliate had an online poll up on the page where they showed this video on their website. The question was, "Is the term "Black Hole" racist?". Last I looked before it was pulled, the vote was 97.5% "no". Most lopsided online poll I have EVER seen. LOL.

It's good to know that Mr. Price's primary concern as a county commissioner is looking out for the best interests of his constituency as opposed to his hangups over differences in skin color and culture.

Just for funsies...

I'd like to share this video of Criss Angel's steamroller illusion:


I could have embedded this, but I chose not to because what I really want you all to see is the raft of comments that has been posted to the video. Here we have a cross-section of some very intelligent people... people who will most likely voting for our next President. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Restores your faith in humanity, no?

I wasn't going to address the issues contained within, but this is the sort of thing that happens when those that put their unsubstantiated beliefs up against those who refuse to suspend their realism long enough to enjoy the "unreal". Great unwashed, indeed.

To clarify for everyone concerned: Criss Angel is billed as an illusionist. That would literally mean "one who deals in illusions". Of course he wasn't really run over by a steamroller on the asphalt surface... it was an illusion. Anyone who actually believes that this was real is an idiot, and so is anyone who can't appreciate this fantastic illusion for what it is. That would cover 99.9% of the commenters to that video.


Well... they're no rocket scientists, are they?

Once again, a tale of people so preoccupied with perpetuating racism that they are ignorant of even basic science.

As reported by the Dallas Morning News, Dallas Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield (white) , said it seemed that central collections, "has become a black hole" because paperwork apparently was lost in the office. Another Dallas Commissioner, John Wiley Price (black) erupted with a loud, "excuse me!", followed by him correcting Mayfield by saying the office has become a "white hole." Then Judge Thomas Jones (black) demanded an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive remark.

You have GOT to be kidding me. I have to find these geniuses on YouTube. And here they are:

In 1999 when a white DC staffer resigned amidst criticism for using the word "niggardly", which means "miserly", to describe a business dealings, I could almost understand the confusion, considering that "niggard" and its derivatives have fallen out of common usage. But even people educated in gubment schools knows what a black hole is: an object so massive that it's gravitational pull doesn't let even light (hence "black") escape (hence "hole"). Hell, Disney made a movie about one back in the early 1980's.

For those that don't know, a "white hole" is quite the opposite of a black hole: it's a point that nothing can enter; it casts material forth with force analogous to a black hole's ability to suck it in.

But to Price and Jones, that doesn't seem to matter. It's apparently a HUGE priority to trot out their hangups with differences in race because it's overwhelmingly more important than what's being discussed in a public meeting. In my humble opinion, if the public that they "serve" is any smarter than these two bozos, they'll show them the door at the earliest opportunity.


The most important half-hour you will spend this week...

US Navy SEAL MA2 Michael Monsoor lost his life 9/29/06 during fighting in Ramadi, Iraq when a grenade threatened to kill him and two of his teammates. He fell on the grenade, selflessly giving his own life to safe those of his brothers.

I'll never have the honor of standing in the same room as this hero. But I feel privileged to know that there are such people who will stand thusly for our freedom.

The most important half-hour you will spend all week will be remembering MA2 Monsoor by watching these videos (sorry for the links, embedding was disabled).

Memorial footage
Medal of Honor presentation, part 1
Medal of Honor presentation, part 2
Medal of Honor Flag presentation

Never forget this American Patriot.


More anti-theism from the liberal media...

So here at Australia's Daily Telegraph, it was time for them to again trot out one of the tried-and-true class warfare dog-and-pony shows to try to make their audience believe that theists aren't as intelligent as anti-theists (even though they used the word "atheists" instead).

Look... spirituality is an individual choice, and I happen to know alot of very intelligent people who are theists (like those who aren't zealots), and alot of really stupid people who are anti-theists (like those who are zealots).

But such class warfare ignores these things... it's goal is to brainwash people into believing that mob mentalities are the best ways to think.