
Global warming: Part 1 of an ongoing response to this old chestnut

So, when we had a record year for North Atlantic hurricanes in 2005, the global warming crowd crowed that this was a result of their favorite cause. In 2006 & 2007, there were 5 hurricanes each year, and now you don't hear about global warming fueling an increase in hurricanes.

BUT, we did just have an out-of-season tornado outbreak... how long will it be until one of these idiots proclaims that global warming causes tornado outbreaks?

Speaking of wonderful people, not long ago Dr. Heidi Cullen, then climatologist for The Weather Channel, was quoted as saying that meteorologists that do not believe in global warming should have their AMS seals revoked. Nice. You can see this here.

Here's my response:

In true peer-reviewed science, theories like global warming are tested for legitimacy. It is not up to TV mets to define theories as fact for their audiences. It is not up to TV mets or the AMS to force forth Ms. Cullen's political opinions or hypotheses on global warming with heavy hands. To do so undermines the scientific method and thus strips any idea of "science" from global warming.

These are not the times of Copernicus, when those that dared question (scientifically!) popular ideas such as earth-centered universes were put to death. So why should those that question (scientifcally!) lukewarm ideas such as global warming have their careers put to death?

The bottom line is this: attempts to legislate scientific theories as fact by over-zealous "experts" with a political agenda, ratings to increase, and some background in scientific study via threats to censure career credentials undermine scientific theory and are not appreciated by true scientists.

This press release from the US Senate Committee on Environmental & Public Works that shows there is still much dissonance in theories on global warming.

How is Ms. Cullen's opinion any better than these scientists'?

That TWC allows their name to be attached to such ideas lessens my view of them and explains why I haven't taken them seriously in years.

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