
Just for funsies...

I'd like to share this video of Criss Angel's steamroller illusion:


I could have embedded this, but I chose not to because what I really want you all to see is the raft of comments that has been posted to the video. Here we have a cross-section of some very intelligent people... people who will most likely voting for our next President. Makes you feel warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? Restores your faith in humanity, no?

I wasn't going to address the issues contained within, but this is the sort of thing that happens when those that put their unsubstantiated beliefs up against those who refuse to suspend their realism long enough to enjoy the "unreal". Great unwashed, indeed.

To clarify for everyone concerned: Criss Angel is billed as an illusionist. That would literally mean "one who deals in illusions". Of course he wasn't really run over by a steamroller on the asphalt surface... it was an illusion. Anyone who actually believes that this was real is an idiot, and so is anyone who can't appreciate this fantastic illusion for what it is. That would cover 99.9% of the commenters to that video.

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