
Lots to speak of today...

Today's tidbits come from my reading of the articles at Fox News:
  1. Apparently the major oil companies are taking heat from Democrat congressmen because they had $100B in profits last year. What they're not telling you is that Government made $440B in (plundered) profits from Big Oil last year. ExxonMobil alone is reported to have paid more in taxes than the lower half of all individual income earners last year. Who's the bad guy here? Remember that Thomas Sowell quote I included yesterday?

  2. A Madison, WI high school student is suing the Tomah School District because he refused to remove religious references from a project he turned in and earned a zero. I hope he wins big on this one. If the government schools want to separate church and state, then they have to keep antitheism out too.

  3. A related story alludes to a less than 50% graduation rate in a large number of the largest US cities. The problem here is two-fold: lack of teaching of personal responsibility AND failure of our school systems to be much more than indoctrination centers.

  4. Yeah, gas prices are up and the economy's cooling down right now, but are we really in a recession or depression as the lamestream media want everyone to believe? Economic conditions were actually worse in 2000 near the end of the Clinton Administration, but you never heard a blurb about the economy being so bad. Couldn't possibly be that we had a Democrat president at the time and have a GOP president now, could it? Couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the US sheeple believe everything they hear in the press and the media are leveraging that in an election year, could it? The single-largest factor in the cause of any possible recession or depression right now is the media reporting.
Wow... I really thought I had more than that. Sorry.

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