
Republican presidential campaign...

So, even as a libertarian, I was disappointed that Mitt Romney dropped out of the race yesterday. Why? Because I believe that he was truly the best candidate for president at this time. I'm not thrilled with his position on the FairTax and his history of instituting socialist health care schemes, but he is a businessman, and that's what we need right now.

That said, I think that this dropping out was very smart for at least two reasons. First, he is right that it is time to solidify a national campaign for president now, before the competition splinters the potential vote in manner that causes the Democrat Party's candidate to win. Second, he displayed to us that he is more interested in what the people need rather than what he wants. Do I believe all this politics? Not necessarily, but it's still better than what the Democrats have put up. I'll be looking for Mitt Romney again in 4-8 years.

In stark contrast to Mitt Romney's position of making moves to serve the people rather than his own interests are those firmly rooted in the right wing of the GOP. We're all well aware that John McCain isn't the conservative's conservative. But those that would rather have the Democrat than John McCain are STUPID ASSES. Look, we're on the cusp of having one of the most dangerous people in American politics elected president. It is now the time to unify behind McCain and push him forth. It's apparently what the people want right now, what with is large lead in the Republican primary and all. So, GOP, come down out of your ivory tower and start thinking about what your constituency wants.

There is plenty that doesn't thrill me about McCain's platform, such as his big-government solutions. But as a moderate Republican, he does have broad appeal spanning conservative Democrats and 2/3 of the Republican party. And he will not scuttle this country like another Clinton regime would.

People have asked me why, as a libertarian, I don't vote for the Libertarian Party candidate or even libertarian Republican candidate Ron Paul. I have a lot of admiration for much of the LP candidates' and Representative Paul's platforms. But their positions on the Iraq war turn me away. If we pull out of there now, those religious zealot nutcases WILL bring the war over here, much as they did on 9/11. Better to fight that war over there than on our own soil. Another reason is that I am terrified of the possibility of a Hillary Clinton presidency. Finally, this country has been sliding steadily to the left for the past 80 or so years. To move this country back to the center requires input from the right. Thus, I am voting for the Republican candidate this election.

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