
Today's 2-fer: The "erosion" of the middle class

Democrats, both in the political realm and the mainstream media, crow with great zeal about how the middle class is going away and that it's all the Republicans' and the evil rich's fault. Interesting. Let's start by looking at this video.

Now... we can see that all these middle-classers don't have it so bad. But Drew's video shows that the media and the Democrats want you to believe otherwise. Because they want to create an atmosphere of depair that they can make you believe that they can rescue us from. Another way that they can make us dependent on them. And you know what? Dependence is the opposite of independence, and independence means freedom and liberty. So, what they are wanting you to do is trade your freedom and liberty for some implied measure of security through dependence on them. You know, the big-government types who don't realize that government can't do much of anything right. What a bargain!

There are a couple of sad truths in all of this:

1. The middle class isn't struggling to survive; the middle class is struggling to buy more. After all, they have to impress their neighbors and families. This is closely related to the idea of living within one's means.

2. The US sheeple don't realize that those that they wish to vote into power to rescue them don't realize that cost of this unnecessary rescue will provide much more of an oppressive burden on them than does living as a responsible individual (or even as a slightly irresponsible individual). History bears this out. I urge you: don't help history repeat itself.

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